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  3. How to configure a Bosch Receiver on AlulaConnect

Login and navigate to the Receivers and Groups selection. 

Next Click Add Receiver. Enter the required information. 

+Receiver Name – name this receiver something you can recognize for selection later. The central station may already have a name for the receiver. 

+Select Receiver Type – Choose BOSCH Fire Receiver from this drop down menu. 

+Receiver Path – Enter the IP address and port your central station has given. The format should separate the IP Address and Port number with a colon (:) like this 

+AES SEcurity Key – Leave blank if your central station does not use this. If provided, enter the 32, 48, or 64 character encryption key. 

Hit Save.

This entry is a one time setup. Once configured the receiver will be selectable when programming a BAT-Fire’s Communication page. 

Bosch receivers are only used on the Alula Platform for BAT-Fire devices.

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