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  4. How do I use the Device Migration feature in AlulaConnect?

How do I use the Device Migration feature in AlulaConnect?

** This feature is only applicable to new BAT-Connect devices on accounts with an existing BAT-CDMA device. **

Register the BAT-Connect Device on AlulaConnect, but do NOT assign the device to a customer profile; it should remain “unassigned” on your device list. (Do not delete the BAT-CDMA device from the customer account- the BAT-CDMA should be on the customer’s account simultaneously while the BAT-Connect is “unassigned.”)

Locate the BAT-CDMA device in your device list. Click on the device, and navigate to the “Profile” tab on the top.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and locate the “Device Migration” box. Populate the “Source Device” field with the MAC address of the BAT-CDMA device on the customer’s account.

Click “Save” to initiate the migration. The BAT-Connect device will automatically transfer to the customer’s account upon completion of the migration.

It is now safe to delete the BAT-CDMA device from the customer’s account.

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