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  3. Connect+
  4. How to Create Additional PIN Codes
  1. Log into alarmdealer.com using the primary user’s login credentials
  2. Click ‘Contact List’, click on ‘Add Contact’
    • Generate an unique username and password, confirm the password and click on ‘Create User’
  3. Click on the button labeled: Manage Locations
    • From the ‘Device Access List’ select the sub user from the dropdown box
    • Click on the mac address in the ‘Denied’ column, click on the ‘green arrow’ pointing to the left to move the mac address to the ‘Granted’
    • Click on ‘Save’
  4. Click on the button labeled: Manage Users
    • From the drop down box, select the panel
    • Create and enter the pin code
    • Click on ‘Submit’
  5. Test the new pin using the Keypad or mobile app

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