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  4. Understanding Offset Codes from Alula Devices

To help better isolate what peripheral an event code is associated with we have added the following offset codes.

Key fob or End-User Application offset = 400

PinPad offset = 500

Mobile/Bluetooth Device offset (Keypad, Touchpad, Wireless Siren Bluetooth) = 600

Wireless Siren offset = 700

Examples: You may see something in the Event Log indicating user 603 has armed the system, this refers to the third Keypad or Touchpad in the system. If you see trouble condition for zone 701, it refers to the first Wireless Siren.


Connect+, BAT-Connect, and BAT-Fire will all use 800 offset for physical interface troubles.

For Connect+ 800 = Ethernet, 801 = Slot 1, 802 = Slot 2, 803 = Slot 3.

For BAT-Connect 800 = Ethernet, 801= WiFi, 802 = Touchpad Network 803 = Cellular, 804 = Z-Wave card.

For BAT-Fire 800 = Ethernet and Primary CS path, 801 = Cellular and Primary CS Cellular path, 802 =  Secondary Ethernet CS path, 803 = Secondary Cellular path to CS.

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